The Gods of OlympusZeusHeraPoseidonAthenaApolloHerculesThe Twelve Labors of Hercules II: The Hydra's HeadsThe Twelve Labors of Hercules III: Artemis' Golden HindThe Twelve Labors of Hercules IV: The Erymanthian BoarThe Twelve Labors of Hercules V: Cleaning the Augean StablesThe Twelve Labors of Hercules I: The Nemean LionSymbolsThe CarpenterThe StrangerA Walled GardenThe Power of MusicA Multifaceted GemDaywalkerBounty HunterMythsOdinBoth Beautiful Inside and OutsideThe Weight of ResponsibilityEternalsThe ScientistGold Foil and Iron RustA Ghost in the IceCreaturesIndriksSpirit of the WildGuardians